Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Granny Flower Pillow, The Big Reveal, Tah Dah!

Hi dear internets!!!  Here is my latest project.  It only took about 4 or 5 days to make, and that is with a bit of down time.  The squares went really fast.  I had a bunch of yarn scraps that I needed to use up.  When my neighbor had her garage sale a few months back, I ended up purchasing a lot of yarn from her.  But, when the garage sale was over there was a big box of half skeins of yarn that had been rifled through and were one giant tangled mess. She gave me the box for free, and I went to town untangling all of it and rolling them all into balls.  I didn't know what to make from these but there were so many colors, I hated to see them go to waste.  I wanted to make some pillows to cover the two pillow blanks I had on hand.  I felt so giddy and sneaky because nobody knew I was making all these and suddenly in no time at all, I have two projects up on the web this week. 

The above photo is the front of the pillow.  It is a very happy pillow don't you think?  It fits over a 16 x 16 inch pillow form.  I added some bling bling to the centers with the rhinestone buttons that I purchased recently to make my previous pillow.  It just needed that extra touch.  I guess I am in a blingy mood these days.  

The back side of the pillow is just double crochet with 6 rows of single crochet and then a scallop stitch to give it some interest.  As you can see by now if you have been reading my blog, I like to make all my pillows with a button up back side.  This helps me to remove the cover and wash it whenever I want with ease.  

When I stitched the pillow together with the front and the back, I did one row on the outside of single crochet and then I did these scallops that are seven double crochet stitches in one single crochet space, skip two spaces, slip stitch, skip two single crochet spaces and then do seven more double crochets and repeat all the way around the pillow.   With this pillow being so "girlie" I just had to add a scalloped edge to it. 

The whole idea started from this one little sample square I made and that is when it sparked the idea to make a pillow.  I have a theme going on in my bedroom where all the blankets and pillows have the same off white, with lots of splashes of color.  I decided that if I made the outer petals out of the same white, I could mix it up some.  

So I got busy and did just that.  Here they are on my bed while I continue to make squares out of various colors to mix and match.  

The weather has been hit and miss so I did not feel guilty for one second sitting with my feet up making this pillow.  It was a perfect excuse to hang out with the cat, drink tea and crochet to my hearts desire. 

In order to pull the them together I made a single row of single crochet around each granny square, and then I sewed them together with the back loop only to form an invisible seam.  Then I crocheted the back on to each end, and sewed it up, and put the ruffle around it.  This is the pillow before the back went on or anything. 

Let's take one last look again shall we?  I think it turned out adorable if I do say so myself. 

Until next time... Happy Crocheting and Crafting... xxxxxxxxxx 


  1. Very colourful and an excellent use of yarn that might have been discarded.
    Carol xx

    1. Thank you so much Carol! And yes, we can't be throwing away yarn now can we? I end up with so much free yarn from friends and neighbors because they know that I will make something from all the scraps.


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